Not only could the players idiot all around casually, but he could also summon them and scam them into signing a super unequal agreement!The program summoned the souls of humans from Earth, reshaped their bodies, and made them disciples of the sect!With that, the sect’s type of Procedure drastically adjusted!Regardless that they couldn’t even e… Read More

Sam stopped her and began imagining. He quickly considered any achievable eventualities which might be going on and how to get out of these, his Mind acted like a computer processing millions of points simultaneously.It's the elders and grownups that happen to be so obsessive about these items and when somebody arises from outside the house to cove… Read More

Shi Yu awakened in the future inside of a planet created on the foundation of Beast Taming, where strong monsters roam and terrific societies fashioned around the Beast Tamers who tame them. Right after concluding that he'd been reincarnated simply because he was great on the lookout, he set his expertise as being a mythology skilled to employ, aim… Read More

Однажды Я Хао с первого взгляда влюбляется в школьного задиру — несовершеннолетнего Тай Циня и начинает за ним гоняться. Вот только кажется, что Тай Цинь вовсе не питает к нему взаимный интер… Read More